Sunday, September 18, 2011

My 100 Things

I was inspired by blogger/artist/writer/musician Summer Pierre and her list on An Accident of Hope to create my own list of 100 Things To Do Before I Die. Some of them were things I'm already doing, but were so important they just had to be on that list. I realized while writing this that my list seemed very much like a 29 year-old list, and it may differ from the list I would write when I'm 39 or 49. However--I tried to think ahead, and I'm proud of my list. If I really get to do all these things, I'll die happy :)

Here goes (in no particular order):

1). Fall madly in love

2). Get pregnant, birth and raise a child

3). Write a book, short story, or essay and have it published

4). Live by the ocean

5). Record a solo album

6). Design and sew at least 3 awesome outfits

7). Learn to play the theremin

8). Start a private therapy practice!!!!!!!!!!!

9).  Design and build my own home (with Scott's help of course!). Something totally badass, simple, and green

10). Attend Burning Man

11). Eat raw vegan for one week

12). Run a marathon (this one may have to wait awhile...)

13). Achieve financial stability

14). Sip coffee at a cafe in Paris

15). Stay in a hut over the ocean in Fiji

16). Learn to speak another language fluently enough to carry on a conversation (French? German? Japanese? I'm just not sure yet)

17). Grow my hair out really really long

18). Cut my hair really really short

19). Ride a camel to the pyramids

20). Help put Everleigh through college

21). Spend a vacation on a boat (I'm thinking more like a yacht on the Grecian Isles, not hanging at Party Cove in the Ozarks).

22). Fix and ride my bike

23). Take Everleigh to Disney World (I guess I just always wanted to go as a kid...)

24). Go whitewater rafting

25). Take a long train ride

26). See Scott find success as an artist

27). Listen to every Beatles song ever recorded. No, I haven't done this yet.

28). Teach Everleigh how to play guitar

29). Decorate my house based on what I love, not just what I can afford

30). Own at least 3 paintings by other artists that I really respect

31). Do yoga every day for a month (or more)

32). Meditate every day for a month (or more!)

33). Learn to cook at least 5 amazing dishes. I mean impressive stuff that looks and tastes beautiful

34). Learn to knit or crochet and make at least one complete thing that looks great

35). See Everleigh get married or choose to spend her life with someone she adores

36). Eat a beignet in New Orleans

37). Ride in a hot air balloon

38). Hang out in New Zealand

39). Make enough money to give generously to my favorite charities or non-for-profits (NPR, PBS, St. Judes, etc. etc. etc.)

40). Be a mentor

41). See every National Park in the US

42). Skydive. Of everything on my list, I might be the most scared of this.

43). Buy a VW van and road trip it with my family down route 66 to the West Coast

44). Get rid of all my clutter

45). Have a wardrobe I absolutely love

46). Act in a community theatre show

47). Watch my first grandchild being born

48). Record an album with Scott

49). Perform with a jazz group

50). Learn to swing dance

51). Paint something I think looks really neat

52). Open a small cupcake shop or some other fun kind of business just because

53). Dye my hair red (I've done brown, which let me know black is not an option. I've always been curious about red though....)

54). See the Louvre

55). Live in a foreign country for at least a year

56). Go back to Tensing Pen (the most amazing place ever where we had our honeymoon)

57). Get my Masters degree

58). Get my PhD

59). Conduct meaningful research in my field and get published

60). Figure out my spiritual beliefs

61). Be completely debt free (including STUDENT LOANS. sigh.)

62). Party with Scott in NYC

63). See a Broadway show

64). Get in the best shape of my life

65). Stop being so concerned with what I look like, for goodness sake.

66). Learn to play the cello

68). Go scuba diving at Grand Cayman

69). Read a good book every month for a year

70). Learn how to drive a motorcycle

71). Learn how to sail

72). Go to the Glastonbury Festival

73). Be a roller derby girl!

74). See Tom Waits play live

75). Sing karaoke in Tokyo

76). Fly first class. I know, fancy right? ;)

77). Be a really great mom

78). Work as an expressive arts therapist

79). Take a cooking class

80). Learn how to do aerial fabrics

81). Volunteer to help children in need

82). Go on an African safari

83). Form friendships with women I respect, and help empower them to be themselves

84). Attend/throw a goddess party

85). Sing backup for someone famous (or at least someone amazing)

86). Take a family canoe trip

87). Build Everleigh a tree house

88). Get a pet and be a good pet parent

89). Train to be a doula

87). Be a really great wife

88). Learn to chill out and not worry so much

89). Ride on the biggest water slide in the world

90). Give back to my community

91). Organize digital and printed photos of my family in a way that makes sense

92). Learn about my family tree

93). Do something awesome for my parents to repay them for all the amazing things they've done for me

94). Get a good picture of me and all my sisters (this sounds easy in theory, but in fact is not)

95). Spend more time with Tory

96). Get into politics and fully understand current issues from multiple standpoints

97). Properly thank those who've had the most impact on my life

98). Go for 6 months without buying anything additional but food (preferably by choice ;)

99). Take part in Carnival in Brazil

100). Feel completely at peace

What would YOU have on YOUR list?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Great list! Go for the red hair - it'll look cute on you. And when you dye blonde hair reds, it fades out really fast so if you don't like it no worries. It'll be back to blonde in just a couple of weeks. Red hair rocks! LOL